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Women of Restoration (WOR):

A ministry dedicated to the specific needs of a woman in Christ. Providing a safe haven for healing, restoration, and development. Instilling in the woman kingdom principles like The Father’s wisdom, Love and Grace; bringing them closer to their divine destinies, learning their Godly roles and how to effectively execute them in everyday life.


Men of Restoration (MOR): 

A ministry dedicated to the uplifting, developing and shaping of a true Man of Christ, instilling in the men of Christ kingdom principles like responsibility, understanding, and empowerment to become the Men of God they were truly called to be, learning their Godly roles and how to effectively execute them in everyday life.


Kingdom Klub House:

A ministry that caters to the needs of the children ages 12 & under. Providing them an environment conducive to learning and development under the guidance of Kingdom principles with the assistance of different activities such as but not limited to arts & crafts, music, and fine arts. Creating for them a unique and fun way for them to get to know Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior.



A ministry that caters to the needs of teenagers, ages 13-19 by way of music, fine arts, biblical studies, and special events and outings. Providing teens, a place to release, heal, learn and be empowered, bringing them one step closer in becoming the men and woman God has called them to be.


Young Adults:

A ministry that caters to the young adults of this generation ages 20-35 years of age by way of Biblical Studies, gatherings, outings, trips and events with these bringing a fresh and fun environment for them to grow, be empowered, developed and equipped. This ministry offers a safe place for young adults to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ, grow closer in learning and identifying their identity in Him, thus propelling them further into their destinies.


Marriage Enrichment:

A ministry focused on life after marriage, specifically concentrating on the principles of living married in Christ, honoring your spouse and/or family, keeping things fresh and relevant, and maintaining that spark.  It utilizes biblical teachings to help guide and instruct those who have crossed that threshold of singleness to married. If you are looking for a way to learn how to actively and effectively incorporate kingdom principles into your marriage this is the class for you.


For serious inquiries, please feel free to give us a call at 407-512-0402 for further assistance.


Connecting Hands:

A resource & rehabilitation ministry partnered with Amway Levy Restaurants, CFE, UCF Arena, Orlando City, Camping World Stadiums, AmeriCrown and Simon Malls Gift Wrapping during the holidays; available to those who need a second chance, need work experience or are in search of a place where they could complete their volunteer hours.  

Within this ministry, we offer individuals the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and experience needed to find employment. We offer individuals the opportunity to be financially empowered by way of a small incentive given per individual event worked. We also provide the opportunity for high school or college students 18 years of age or older the opportunity to gain the necessary volunteer hours needed for any program or club they may be a part of or just to meet criteria.


Whichever of these needs is yours, this ministry is dedicated to helping, do not be afraid to reach out and call us at 407-512-0402.


Let’s get you started.


Community Outreach:

A ministry concentrated in the equipping, uplifting and encouragement of those in less fortunate and in need by way of providing them with the necessary resources and tools needed to flourish and succeed. Whether it’d be finance, housing, mental health and beyond. Our mission is to assist in any way we can, bringing individuals one step closer to their complete restoration.


Fine Arts & Music:

 A ministry concentrated in utilizing the many facets of the arts to effectively and creatively communicate the message of the gospel by way of but not limited to music, poetry, painting, dramas, performances and beyond. This ministry encompasses the very creative nature of God, bringing a fresh and exciting new perspective to the body of Christ.



A ministry tailored to non-believers, new converts, and to those who have been led astray; focusing in on the sole purpose of creatively winning souls for the Lord by way of events, organized rallies, outings, giveaways, raffles and more. Giving fresh meaning to the scripture, God will leave the 99 for that one that got away.

Intercessory Prayer:

A team of powerful prayer warriors chosen by the Senior Pastor to effectively cover and fervently pray for and intercede for the First Family, church leaders, congregation, communities, cities, states, countries and up to the entire world.


If you need prayer, please refer to and fill out our online prayer request form or call us at 407-512-0402 and leave a detailed message with your prayer request and one of our prayer warriors will assist you in your prayer request needs.

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